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Risk & Crisis Management

Takeda’s Approach to Risk Management

Takeda shares its Corporate Philosophy, which comprises its Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Roadmap, with the entire Takeda Group and promotes the creation of a disciplined and sound corporate culture. Based on the above-mentioned principle, Takeda has created a risk management system, making risk management an important component of corporate governance, functioning coordinated with internal control: Takeda promotes construction of a system in which each group company responds adequately to risks and crises and ensures business continuity, and facilitates disciplined management in the Takeda Group. With regard to risk management, the “Global Risk Management Policy” and the “Global Crisis Management Policy” respectively lay out the structure of our risk management system, including BCPs and crisis management systems of the Takeda Group.


Management of Major Risks

The “Global Risk Management Policy” provides a uniform process of identifying, measuring, mitigating, and reporting on significant risks with the objective of aligning risk appetite with strategy and improving risk responses. Takeda’s major potential risks include research and development, intellectual property rights, decline of sales due to the expiration of patents, etc., side-effects, drop in prices caused by measures for constraint of cost of medicines, fluctuation of foreign exchange rates, corporate acquisitions, country risks, stable supply, litigation, and IT security and information control. The person(s) in charge of each function control and manage these risk factors in each area of charge from the aspect of qualitative and quantitative criteria in designing and implementation of mid-range and annual plans and shall take all necessary measures or remedies available to avoid and minimize such risk factors, depending on the degree and content of the risk the company is exposed to, in compliance with the countermeasures to cope therewith and any contingency plans.


Approach to Crisis Management

Takeda strives to ensure that all possible preventive measures are taken to avoid potential crises in accordance with the “Takeda Group Global Crisis Management Policy,” which comprises basic policies, rules, and standards for crisis management. The policy also underpins systems and operations we have put in place to respond to each type of crisis swiftly and appropriately. In this way, we aim to minimize any potential harm to employees, any impact on Takeda’s finances, and any effect on society at large in the event of a crisis.


Crisis Management Structure

The Takeda Group companies are responsible for establishing their own crisis management systems, implementing preventive measures, and taking appropriate action if a crisis occurs. In the case of a crisis that has a major impact on Takeda and requires company-wide action, a “Global Crisis Management Committee” chaired by the President & CEO of Takeda coordinates a common understanding of the situation and any relevant information. The Committee directs each company to take countermeasures, later following up on the implementation of the countermeasures.

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