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Nomination Committee and Compensation Committee

Role of Nomination Committee

As an advisory body for the Board of Directors, the Nomination Committee examines the policy on Board of Directors’ diversity and skills of Directors, the criteria and procedures for board members’ appointment/reappointment, succession plans and administration of such plans, and confirms the appropriateness of the candidates of board members.

Role of Compensation Committee

As an advisory body for the Board of Directors, the Compensation Committee examines the compensation policies for Directors other than Audit and Supervisory Committee members and the appropriateness of compensation including its specific distribution to each Director other than members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee. In addition, to ensure the objectivity and transparency of compensation determination, the Compensation Committee decides the amount of compensation for individual internal directors with a resolution of delegation by the Board of Directors.


In both committee, all of the committee members and the chairperson must be external directors and at least one of the committee members must be an Audit & Supervisory Committee member, which are stipulated in each charter. The President & CEO attends as an observer in Nomination Committee. Please visit the following link to read more on the appointment.

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