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Our Management

Takeda Executive Team (TET)

The Company established Takeda Executive Team (TET) consists of the President & CEO and function heads of the Takeda Group in order to ensure the agility and flexibility of business execution and deeper cooperation among the various functions. The TET, consists of 18 members with diverse backgrounds, including in expertise, nationality and gender (12 males and 6 females), and takes part in discussions and decision-making on management strategies and other important management and operational matters while respecting the perspectives of various stakeholders. Our agile and simple global organization empowers each member to make decisions and act in the best interests of our patients.


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Management Committees

The Board of Directors delegates responsibilities for decision-making with respect to some of the important business decisions to internal directors. The decisions of these matters are delegated to the following three decision making bodies. Each committee consists mainly of TET to ensure the agility and flexibility of business execution and deeper cooperation among the various functions. The Board of Directors supervises the management's execution of these matters through the reports of the three committees.
- Business & Sustainability Committee (Responsible for corporate / business development matters and sustainability-related matters)
- Portfolio Review Committee (Responsible for R&D and product-related matters)
- Risk, Ethics and Compliance Committee (Responsible for risk management, business ethics and compliance matters)

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Matters not requiring the approval of the aforementioned committees are delegated to the TET based on the Takeda Group’s Management Policy (T-MAP). The Company aims for agile and efficient decision-making across the group.