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Corporate Governance

Basic Policy for Corporate Governance

The Company’s purpose is to provide “Better Health for People, Brighter Future for the World.” In line with this purpose, the Company is pursuing a management framework appropriate for a values-based R&D-driven biopharmaceutical company that operates on a global scale. We are strengthening internal controls, thorough compliance and risk management, and establishing a structure that will allow agile decision-making that is also sound and transparent. Through these efforts, we will further improve our corporate governance, thereby maximizing corporate value.

Corporate Governance Structure


Strength of Takeda’s Corporate Governance

  1. Takeda is a ‘Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee’ as stipulated in the Japanese Companies Act. Under this institutional design, we have enhanced the transparency and independency of the Board of Directors and further strengthen our corporate governance by establishing a framework of audit and supervision conducted by the Audit and Supervisory Committee, and by increasing the proportion of the number of Independent External Directors and the diversity of the Board of Directors. In addition, by delegating a certain degree of decision-making authority to executive directors, we promote the separate of business execution and supervision and establish a structure that allows for the Board of Directors to spend more time discussing business strategies and particularly important business matters. Furthermore, Takeda voluntarily establishes Nomination and Compensation Committees as advisory committees of the Board of Directors. Each committee is composed solely of Independent External Directors.

  2. Takeda has internal management committees comprised of Executive Directors delegated by the Board of Directors, and the Takeda Executive Team (TET), which consists of the function heads of the Takeda Group. This delegation enables efficient and agile execution. The status of these executions are then reported to the Board of Directors and Takeda has established a structure for the Board of Directors to supervise them in an appropriate manner.

  3. For the purpose of ensuring transparency of corporate governance, Takeda proactively discloses important documents, such as Article of Incorporation, Board of Directors Charter, Nomination Committee Charter, Compensation Committee Charter, Audit and Supervisory Committee Charter, BOD Skills Matrix, Director Compensation Policy and Executive Compensation Overview.


History of Corporate Governance

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