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Sustainable Procurement

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Sustainable Procurement achieves value for money spent while generating benefits to society, the economy, and reducing environmental impact and other governance and compliance risks. At Takeda, Supplier Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ensures that Takeda’s suppliers conduct business in the same manner we do – with a focus on social, environmental, and economic good. It is a key element of our supply chain management process. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Takeda takes its commitment to assess and improve its supply chain in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption very seriously.

Our Approach

Rooted in Takeda-ism, Supplier ESG aligns our suppliers in over 70 countries with our ESG practices. It helps maintain our pledge to act with integrity, fairness, honesty, and perseverance.

The Supplier ESG process continually balances risk and opportunity in Takeda’s engagement with suppliers:

  • Risk – Avoiding practices that harm people or the environment, could hurt Takeda’s reputation, or represent significant business or supply risk
  • Opportunity – Aligning suppliers with our ESG practices, and influencing them to decarbonize, reduce waste, and invest in innovative solutions

Learn More

Supplier ESG - Responsible Procurement – Takeda is committed to upholding human rights in our operations and throughout our supply chain. Please learn more about the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative, our Conflict Minerals Statement, and the Modern Slavery Statements here.

Supplier Code of Conduct - The Takeda Supplier Code of Conduct specifies our expectations for supplier performance. It plays a critical role in supplier risk management, including engagement, selection, and assessment. We operate to one global standard

Supplier Diversity – Supplier diversity is critical for providing an economically and socially diverse supply chain at Takeda.

Supplier Qualification and Due Diligence - Takeda’s Third-Party Risk Management process requires that we conduct reasonable due diligence in engaging, selecting, and assessing suppliers throughout their Takeda lifecycle.

Questions about Takeda’s Sustainable Procurement program can be sent to: [email protected].