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Supplier Code of Conduct

The foundation of Takeda’s sustainable procurement program is Takeda’s Supplier Code of Conduct, which is a key document for communicating Takeda’s position on the performance standards suppliers are expected to work toward as a part of doing business with Takeda. The Supplier Code covers principles in business ethics and anti-corruption, human rights, fair labor and employment standards, data privacy, animal welfare, safety, health, and environment, as well as general management systems covering the topics covered in the code. Takeda has incorporated the Supplier Code of Conduct as part of its procurement-managed supplier qualification process and uses its risk assessment model to prioritize suppliers for further review. 

Takeda expects suppliers to adhere to applicable legal requirements and aspire to meet the expectations contained in Takeda’s Supplier Code of Conduct.

Takeda intends to evaluate suppliers’ fulfillment of the principles contained in the Supplier Code of Conduct, and expects suppliers to cooperate, including remediating identified issues. Takeda will collaborate with suppliers committed to improving conditions or issues identified with the goal of managing risks and creating long-term, sustainable value.

Takeda’s Supplier Code of Conduct is available in several languages from the links below. Suppliers are asked to review the Takeda Supplier Code and acknowledge receipt of the Code as part of conducting business with Takeda. 

Takeda Supplier Code of Conduct
Takeda Supplier Code of Conduct (British English)
Takeda Leveranciersgedragscode
Takeda adfærdsregelsæt for leverandører
Takedan tavarantoimittajia koskevat menettelysäännöt
Code de conduite des fournisseurs de Takeda
Takeda-Verhaltenskodex für Lieferanten
Κώδικας Δεοντολογίας Προμηθευτών της Takeda
Kode Etik Pemasok Takeda
Codice di condotta per fornitori di Takeda
Takeda 공급업체 행동 강령
Código de conducta para proveedores de Takeda (Latin American Spanish)
Takedas etiske retningslinjer for leverandører
Kodeks postępowania dla dostawców firmy Takeda
Código de conduta dos fornecedores da Takeda (Portuguese/Brazil)
Código de Conduta de Fornecedores da Takeda (Portuguese/Portugal)
Кодекс поведения для поставщиков компании Takeda
Kodeks ponašanja za dobavljače kompanije Takeda
Código de conducta para proveedores de Takeda (Spanish)
หลักจรรยาบรรณสำหรับคู่ค้าของ ทาเคดา
Takeda Tedarikçi Davranış Kuralları
Кодекс поведінки для постачальників Takeda (Ukrainian)
Bộ Quy tắc Ứng xử Dành cho Nhà cung cấp của Takeda (Vietnamese)