

- 2022年欧州クローン病・大腸炎会議(ECCO)年次総会において、クローン病に伴う複雑痔瘻の患者さんにおけるデータを発表1
- INSPIRE試験はアロフィセルダルバドストロセルの実臨床における有効性および安全性を評価する初のリアルワールド観察研究1






1 Zmora O, Baumgart DC, Faubion W et al. P603 INSPIRE: 6-month interim analysis from an observational post-marketing registry on the effectiveness and safety of darvadstrocel in patients with Crohn’s disease and complex perianal fistulas. J Crohn’s Colitis. 2022;16:i536-i537

2 An observational post-marketing registry on the effectiveness and safety of darvadstrocel in patients with Crohn's disease and complex perianal fistulas (INSPIRE). European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCEPP). Available at https://www.encepp.eu/encepp/viewResource.htm?id=44173. Last updated: November 2021 Last accessed: February 2022

3 Alofisel Summary of Product Characteristics. Available at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/alofisel-epar-product-information_en.pdf. Last updated August 6, 2021. Last accessed February 2022.

4 Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency. Products Approved in FY 2021: Regenerative Medical Products.

Available at: https://www.pmda.go.jp/files/000244758.pdf. Last accessed: February 2022.

5 Ministry of Health Israel. The Israeli Drug Registry. Alofisel. Available at: https://data.health.gov.il/drugs/alonim/Rishum_18_484505220.pdf. Last updated December 2020. Last accessed February 2022.

6 Swissmedic. Alofisel®, Suspension zur Injektion (Darvadstrocelum). Available at: https://www.swissmedic.ch/swissmedic/en/home/humanarzneimittel/authorisations/new-medicines/alofisel_suspensionzurinjektion_darvadstrocelum.html. Last updated December 27, 2018. Last accessed February 2022.

7 Panés J, García-Olmo D, Van Assche G, et al. ADMIRE CD Study Group Collaborators. Expanded allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (Cx601) for complex perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease: a phase 3 randomised, double-blind controlled trial. Lancet. 2016;24;388(10051):1281-90.