Partner: Seed Global Health
Budget: 500 million yen
Term: 5 years
Launch: 2018-2019
Area: Sub-Saharan Africa
Spotlight Malawi: Many Paths Towards Universal Health Coverage and a Strong Health Workforce
Hear from Malawi’s doctors and nurses about the country’s progress in meeting global health goals, as well as the entrenched challenges that persist, particularly a health worker shortage. Learn how Takeda’s partnership with Seed Global Health is tackling those challenges through health worker training, complementing country-led innovation, creativity, and resilience.
Universal Health Coverage and the Power of People: United Nations General Assembly Side Event
Learn what key global leaders from 4 continents had to say about the linkage between the advancement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and empowerment of qualified health workers at a 2019 UN General Assembly side event convened by Takeda, Seed Global Health, and Devex in New York City.